Posts tagged "Dave Hale"

Internet Marketing Habits – Sales Letter Tactics of the Gurus

No matter if you are new to Internet marketing or a veteran, you will find that it is super easy to see what others are doing online and what business model they choose to use. This lends itself to you being able to locate the guru sites within your niche, review their sites and offers, then tear apart what they are doing.

How do you do this?

1. Read their sales letters

2. Sign up for their free offers and lists

3. See what they right on their forums

4. Follow their product launches saving every email they send out

5. Back track the sources of their traffic and links

Let’s take the first item, Sales letters, and see what you can do with it.

If you are selling one particular item, more than likely your marketing efforts had you writing up copy for a sales letter, then marketing it on your website. If you are just starting out and have not gotten this far, now is a good time to start. Check your competitor’s sites and see how they word their copy and mimic what they do. If it works for them, and they are among the top gurus in your niche, then it will work for you too.

If you do not have a product yet, you can see what affiliate products are offered in your niche on This is a free site to join so if you do not have an account yet, set one up. Most of the top products will provide you with website sales letters and other affiliate ads. You will want to search through the products in your niche either by percent referred or gravity. Once you are on the site you will know what this means in the search area.

These two areas will provide you with a good idea of the success the affiliate offers and how they are being pitched on the site. If the numbers in either category are high, this will tell you that affiliate selling the products have had a good amount of success, which in turn dictates that the accompanying sales letter converts well.

When you have decided on 3 or 4 products to check out, open up separate browser pages by using the New Tab feature on the File dropdown menu in your browser. Open up a separate page for each product so you can look at each sales page separately. You also want to open up your personal sales letter to compare and contrast copywriting styles.

Answer these questions:

1. What are you missing on your letter in comparison to the others?

2. Is it the amount of traffic coming to your site or obvious copywriting format?

3. Are you missing testimonials on your letter?

4. Do you have a personal story that provides a “hook” to real in subscribers?

5. Does your headline read as well as the others?

Each one of these questions are important when developing your sale letter strategies.

If you are out to attract prospective customers and develop your online presence and exposure, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn everything you can about Internet marketing.

By the way, do you want to learn more Internet marketing techniques on how to build a successful businesses online?

If so, read about and download my brand new free ebook 27 Habits of Internet Marketing SuperStars

Dr. Dave Hale, The Internet Marketing Professor, specializes in the integration of Web 2.0 strategies into business marketing systems of all sizes.

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Posted by Wallace - July 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

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